Trip to Creative1956

Posted: March 26th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: creative industries | Tags: | No Comments »

Got a first spot to visit: Creative1956… formerly one of the state-owned factory of transformer manufacturing, now is changing to an imaginary plant for producing creativity…It’s said that this is going to be the largest loft basement in Ningbo~~Should we go and see how is everything going there?!


The Planning Map~


A first sight, Poor Gate!!… The factory sign was abandoned and took off!~~However, lucky for it, in near future, a new exterior signage will have its new name framed here, reminding the original birthday of this place:1956


Look from this way (oppositely): green lane …beautiful sight~~~


Beside, several boilers still stand erect..Though, it’s of no use now, one might remember its busy days back to the new China’s industrial revolution period.


Basically, the building structure has no change~ Red colour steel bars are newly included elements, transforming the old manufacturing plant  into another creative workshop!!

PS: Here located Loft group No.1 and No.2: centres for industrial design, architect design, IT and the relevant allocation.

基本上老房的原结构保持不变…红色的钢筋铁骨是加入的新元素~~~制造工厂便摇身一变创意工场啦~PS:此为1号基地,主打工业设计,建筑设计, IT及相关~

A small, cute garden got reserved~~In those days, most state-owned factories had such facilities (small area for leisure)…so… while mothers and dads were working in the workshop, their children can play  around or do homework  ~~

PS: Loft group No.3 is here, proposing for  planar and 3D design,film and image design, and the relevant allocation.



By reading  after the planning map, it seems that this group of lofts hasn’t been appointed any specific business type…Will it be the place only for eating and drinking (reserved for consumption)?~~

仔细对照规划图, 发现这组楼用途不明,难道是吃吃喝喝区?~

Loft group No.5 for film industries…several independent Lofts, one sticking to another…Not sure how to use, but it could be a perfect place for film studio, right?!


This should a huge job of “replacing”~~almost rebuilding the workshop~~only the underground basis got saved!


Simple and clean roof…functions well too~~


The “Uniform” of the outsider walls~


An overall view~


The buildings are short…lane is not too narrow…which is good for eyesight and walking experience~


No.6-7 for decoration and university students field work base.


Loft No.7 was formerly a heat treatment  workshop…really  really huge…


The roof should be new one…here is a zoom-in detail picture: the steel skeleton with bright red colour looks impressive and powerful…


Should this old chimney be packaged into a creative vintage landmark?!


Notes about Creative Clusters: Out Of Nowhere

Posted: April 16th, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: creative industries | Tags: | No Comments »

According to Michael Keane that the form of creative clusters which posted in 2006 in China need to absorb people from outside. In other words they need people who are “boundary spanning”. He suggests that planning is the core element which leads to success or not. In China the participation of government to some certain degree will help creative industry to be ordered and balanceable. For example, in Shanghai, Media Cultural Park where is rebuild from Shanghai Window Hook Factory now absorb many design studios and companies which produce film and video for advertisements. As the gate keeper said the government of Shanghai supervises this creative cluster and insures that the retired and laid-off workers of Window Hook Factory could get access to work. Because of the government’s effort this area is successfully attract investments from outside. In term of Ningbo, there are inadequate talented people and governmental supervision, especially in taxation, territory, governmental subsidy, social financing and the set up of polynary invested mechanism (Nie and Wang 2008). Moreover, Michael Keane mentions “learning region” in which knowledge can be absorbed and transformed easily often be the reason why government prefer to promote the exploration of clusters. One typical phenomenon is that in China many cities, no matter rich or poor, tend to develop creative clusters, however, this method is not fit for all the cities in China. As Michael Keane critics that the establishment of creative clusters need the investment of profound professional knowledge in exploring, detecting and exploiting jus like Silicon Valley. In Ningbo creative clusters are developing at a primary stage. In Loft 8 there are many design studios. The studio No Space is always be the place that holds exhibitions like art and photographic exhibition. Nevertheless, the popularity is low because the lack of propaganda. In addition, the scarce of planning also lead to low attention on creative cluster in Ningbo. In other words, the creative clusters need to be expand and complete in angles of globality, function and forward looking (Nie and Wang 2008).


Keane, Michael (2008) ‘Creative Clusters: Out of Nowhere?’, Urban China 33: 34-35.

Nie, J L & Wang Q Y (2008) The Survey on Current Situation of Creative Industry and Development Stratagem in Ningbo. Market Modernization. Vol.561, p.213-215.