Some Notes According to Keane(2009) etc.

Posted: May 6th, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: creative industries, real-estate | Tags: | No Comments »

Keane (2009) believes that in China, creative industry park could divide into three types.

First of all, some creative industry parks close to the university. On one hand, they can anticipate the reputation of university to enhance creative park popularity. On the other hand, they can rely on creative talent and knowledge in college or university to improve quality of creative products. In Ningbo, the Innovation Valley is exactly a good case. In 2009, Innovation Valley and five surrounding universities such as Ningbo University and Ningbo Engineering College etc had signed contracts with Innovation Valley .Later they will develop their wisdom to Innovation Valley.

The second mode is the most common pattern and it is to preserve the old factory. To some extent, it has not only retained historical building, but also stimulated the imagination of artists. For example, Loft 8 in Ningbo was Ningbo Fangxiang Factory before.238 Creative Park was Ningbo Tianyi Toy Factory.

The last mode is the creative industry park and it is constructed with completely new. Generally, it is driven by government policy. This mode is also extremely wide spreading in Ningbo. Wealth and Creative Harbour, DIY City in Cichen were shaped by government planning.

On the whole, as Keane (2009) pointed out, through the operation from real estate developer, creative cluster had realized their real value in well organized on old buildings and city planning by real estate developer and government.

Van (2009) also proved that, social capital of creative industry took advantage from cluster. The transaction costs were reduced during face to face contact. For instance, search costs and process of bargaining were decreased.

Liu&Li(2006)have come to the conclusion that, the level of urbanization of Ningbo city is belonging to the forth rank. In other words, Ningbo has lower urbanization than other cities. They used spatial aggregation, economic development, social development these aspects to measure some sub-provincial cities like Ningbo. Cooke& Lazzeretti (2008) reports that, the higher level of urbanization result in intimate relationship with the world in creative industry. Therefore, as the present situation of Ningbo, Nie&Wang (2008) analyze on four aspects of problems that exist in Ningbo creative industry. Firstly, overvalue on business however overlook on culture. This is a problem appeared on concept aspect. Secondly, management confusion, this is a problem belonging to government system. Thirdly, creative industry is lack of policy to support, such as tax revenue and government grant. Finally, Ningbo creative industry is professionals’ scarcity that both on designer and manager.


Cooke,P&Lazzeretti,L(eds) 2008,Creative Cities, Cultural Clusters and Local Economic Development, Edward Elgar Publishing,UK.

Keane,M 2009, ‘Great adaptations: China’s creative clusters and the new social contract’, Journal of Media &Cultural Studies,vol.23,no.2,pp.221-230.

Liu, Yanjun&LI, Chenggu 2006, ‘Research on urbanization level of urban regional centres evaluation’, Journal of Economic Geography, vol.26, no.2, pp.225-229.

Nie, Jinglei& Wang,Qiuyan 2008 The Survey on Current Situation of Creative Industry and Development Stratagem in Ningbo. Journal of Market Modernization,Vol.561, no.12,pp.213-215.

Van Heur, Bas (forthcoming 2009) ‘The Clustering of Creative Networks: Between Myth and Reality’, Urban Studies 46.9.

Some Notes About E-waste

Posted: May 6th, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: waste industries | Tags: , | No Comments »

It is estimated that E-wastes are generated 20-50 million tonnes per year in the world (Greenpeace 2008). Nowadays, Because of the high tech, the life cycle of electronic equipment is shorter than before. The products update quickly. UNEP-Vital-Graphic (2004) reports that the computers have an average life span of only 2 years in developed countries. There are many problems in recycling and disposal of E-waste. Open burning of E-wastes is toxic because of hazardous and materials such as heavy metals and PVC which are harmful for environmental, animals and human health (Greenpeace 2008). The contamination of wastes has an impact on the surrounding soils. In China, Dumping and the open burning sites are still common.

As the research conducted by Greenpeace, the electronics products contain lead, Cadmium (can result in damage to the kidneys and bone toxicity), Antimony, Phthalates, PCBs, etc. UNEP-Vital-Graphics points out that there are about 23% plastic, 32% ferrous metals, 18% non-ferrous metals, 12% electronic boards and 15% glass in a computer. However, only about 50% of the computer can be recycled.

The regulation is necessary for controlling the environmental pollution. During designing and manufacturing, the use of hazardous chemicals should be avoided. Furthermore, although the imports of E-waste is banned, there are still a large amount of illegal E-wastes enter into China.

Greenpeace (2008) Chemical Contamination at E-waste Recycling and Disposal Sites in Accra and Korforidua, Ghana.

UNEP-Vital-Graphics (2004) Vital Waste Graphics. E-Waste: The Great E-waste Recycling Debate.

Some Notes about Set Readings

Posted: May 6th, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: creative industries | Tags: , , | No Comments »

Creative industry was established for solving problem of unemployment in post-industrial time, as Ned Rossiter (2008) mentioned in Creative China: Counter-Mapping Creative Industries’, it covers communication, advertising, music and urban developing areas which can be regarded as “new economy”. Compare to developed countries where has matured developing scale of creative industry like UK and Australia, China started to develop creative economy after Eleventh-Five Year Plan (ibid). The rise of creative industry in China leads to the emergence of a new form of economy which called creative economy (Hong 2006, p.38).

Although creative industry such as advertising and communication industry seem as sunrise industry in contemporary China and absorb numbers of young adults full of passion, it faces to many barriers and difficulties according to the reality of China. China is now experiencing a complicated transitional period in economic, urban and social areas (Rossiter, 2008, p. 25). As Adrian Blackwell (2008, p.50) considers there is a gap between “strong central government and weak regulatory framework”. To a certain degree it helps to promote the efficiency of socialist market economy operate in international market, however, disadvantages appear in many areas like urban spatial structure, urban-image building and even creativity of creative industries in China (Blackwell, A 2008, p.50& Chen, 2008, p.18).

The development of creative industry in China, to a certain degree, is becoming the pronoun of real estate. As Shaofeng Chen (2008, p.18), the assistant dean of Institute for Cultural Industries of Pecking University claims that there is a mistaken idea in the growth of creative clusters in China. He mentions that creative industry is usually operated as real estate program according to governmental policy about land supervision (ibid). It leads to the transition of creative cluster from Creative Park to Real Estate Park, and weakens cultural power as well as distorts the original meaning of cultural creativity though it brings economic profit (ibid). Professor Ned Rossiter (2008, p.52) considers big city like Beijing has its certain scale of creative industry, however, they contribute much more on driving price of real estate than on improving their creativities. Creative clusters seldom create new ideas; they even become image-program of government (Rossiter 2008, p.52 & Chen 2008, p.18).

Nevertheless, creative industry spring up in China result in positive transition of urban structure of China. In term of capital investment, it influences anthropology flow because creative industry gathers human ideas and creativities. As Professor Ned Rossiter (2008, p.24) claims that the restructure of various districts will happen in a certain scale. Adrian Blackwell (2008, p. 48) considers in today’s China there are two basic extensions mode of urban outer suburbs, which are “poorly controlled village intensification and expansive new development zones”. In some cities which have a development scale of creative industry, like Beijing and Shanghai, the new economic form which have the basis of urban historical heritage create new profits, for instance 798 in Beijing and Tianzi Fang in Shanghai. This kind of urban heritage is labelled history and Chinese characteristics, moreover, they are reformed as the new artistic space for consumption. As the first creative cluster based on disused factory in Ningbo, Loft 8 gathers design studio, advertising company and DIY (do it yourself) space, etc. According to the introduction from Zane Zhu, the host of No Space in Loft 8, there are many artistic exhibitions taken there, such as paintings and photographs. The development of Loft 8 has its success, however, as Zane Zhu mentioned it still has inadequate attention from the public, and it hasn’t combined with commercial activities. In term of newly creative development zone, take the first creative technology park for example, it locates in Ningbo University Park and has access to get abundant recourses like soft company. It can be seen as “a cultural archipelago” (Blackwell 2008, p.48). Although there is a big distances between big cities where a large scale of creative development has, how can urban spatial structure achieve in Ningbo and to what extent can become reality? Ningbo has its advantages in location and economic development, moreover, its cultural background is profound. Does the creative cluster in Ningbo can contribute to the urban spatial restructure? To what extent they can? This is the question I want to evaluate in my essay.

Loft 8, Ningbo, based on disused factory


Tian Zi Fang, Shanghai, old alley but new creativity



Blackwell, Adrian (2008) ‘Inverting the Cultural Map: Peripheral Geographies of Beijing’s Creative Production’, Urban China 33: 48-51.

Carriço, Mónica; de Muynck, Bert; Rossiter, Ned (eds) (2008) Urban China 33 [Special Issue: ‘Creative China: Counter-Mapping Creative Industries’].

Chen, S F 2008, Ten Mistaken Ideas of Creative Clusters, China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House.

Hong, L 2006, Creative Industry and Creative Economy, Friend, vol.10, pp.38-39.

Ned, R 2008, Informational Geographies vs. Creative Clusters, Urban China, vol.33, pp.32