Essay Question

Posted: March 26th, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: waste industries | No Comments »

According to Thomas Schauer, on one hand,  the Informational Technology can improve economy, however, on the other hand, IT brings problems which are the risks to  develop sustainable society. Just as Richard Maxwell and Tobby Miller indicate that media technology has the ethic and environmental problems which should be taken into more consideration.

My essay will take Ningbo for an example to explain how the wastes are recycled, especially the E-waste, and what is the problem during recycling. Why it is important to recycle E-waste? How is it affecting our environment? What are the treatment processes of E-waste? Are they managed in a safe way? Is there any import of hazardous E-waste in Ningbo?

A Creative Industry with Ningbo Characteristics

Posted: March 26th, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: creative industries | Tags: | No Comments »

As the first creative industries garden in Ningbo, Loft 8, to me, its value lies more in the symbolic meaning that Ningbo government are beginning to develop the creative industry in Ningbo rather than what has actually been done there. Zane Zhu, the host of No Space, said that they would not change their art pursuit to cater for the majority. In fact, with a long tradition of doing business, Ningbo should consider a unique way that different from Beijing or Shanghai. Simply copy will not work. Ningbo has its own advantages. Considering Ningbo’s flourishing manufacturing industry and textile industry, I think more emphasis could be put on industrial design and fashion design etc.