Essay Question-Vicky
Posted: March 28th, 2009 | Author: Vicky | Filed under: Uncategorized | 1 Comment »My essay question  is ” Evaluation of the combination of creative industry and tourism: The case study of ‘C.C City DIY Studio’ in Ningbo. “ C.C City DIY Studio is the first DIY theme park in China which combined tourism, handicraft design and education. It is located in Ci Cheng Town which is the most ancient in Ningbo. This essay will apply Sassen ‘s theory of ” global city” to examine it is professional differentiation of Ningbo as a second tier city  in national scale or global scale.
         C.C City Logo                 Ci Cheng Town
This looks like an interesting topic, Vicky, and Sassen seems a good choice as far as concepts/analysis on 2nd tier cities. Your question, however, is not yet a question (as I indicated in class/mailing list). You could revise it so that it is a question. That will help structure your essay. You may also find some value in looking at literature on theme parks, and then examine the extent to which such concepts for urban development can be transposed to China context (or perhaps that cause some tensions?).